This is Ferenc
Hello visitors, and viewers of my website, exploring my creativity and environment.
I trust that you enjoy “The Show”, and appreciate the extent of my creative expressions and Ideas.
Do not take “my advice, just reflect on my wisdom.
Go for It, and see what can you do with it.

I intend to introduce a wide range of creative and available ideas, concepts, and possibilities to Express Feelings, Emotions, and Ingenuity, to Motivate the Mind and enrich the soul. Issues – subjects to reflect on, contemplate, to respond to, as you, “ A Person” see it, feel it and understand.
Be an Independent Functional Individual.
The Facts of Life.
.Thinking is a mysterious gift of being.
The truth about truth is that there is no such thing, and that is the truth.
God has given us humans free will; make your own decisions,
the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The reason people fight and are always in conflict is because peace is boring. Peace is not in our DNA.
Observe the past, and the present, and draw your conclusion, is there hope to create a better, more equitable society?
People disagree, even if they agree, just because they have
nothing meaningful to say.
Because of this human condition, it is hard to accomplish.
Enjoy the "Show"; This is Ferenc

What is important to a human’s basic existence?
Individual Freedom of the Mind.
Freedom, Economy, and Security, = Prosperity. FESP
Under these conditions, people can excel, prosper, create, and imagine all of the possibilities that life offers. Imagination is a preview of our future.
People are the source of life, imagination, creation, and the foundation of our existence.
In the present political and economic atmosphere, we have to function under fear and intimidation.
Our freedom of speech and expression is endangered.
This cannot stand.
Without freedom, ONE is not a Person, not an individual.
Where there is no freedom; there is no life worth living.
Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community
of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated.
“Study me as much as you like, you will never know me.
For I differ a hundred ways from what you see me to be,”
the poem reads.
“Put yourself behind my eyes, and see me as I see myself. Because
I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see.”
This is Ferenc

Thinking is a Mysterious Gift of Being.

I intend to introduce a wide range of creative and available ideas, concepts, and possibilities to Express Feelings, Emotions, and Ingenuity, to Motivate the Mind and enrich the soul. Issues – subjects to reflect on, contemplate, to respond to, as you, “ A Person” see it, feel it and understand.
Do not take my advice, just reflect on my wisdom.
Images for 3D Action