Walk of Art on Main
Hello St. Helena,
Revitalization of Main Street St. Helena, in this
New Era of Reality.
Main Street is the face of our town.
By creating "The Walk of Art on Main", we can create another dimension to our town, expanding our horizons with creativity and imagination.
This project has no major financial investment, just creativity, imagination, and goodwill.
Imagination is a Preview of Our Future.
As a community, we are rich in opportunity in every sense of the word.
The Department of Art, Park and Recreation is the most visible in the life of our community and has the opportunity to initiate a dialog to harvest the creativity, energy, and goodwill of the people of our town.
Especially the young adults of our community.
The Department of Art, Park and Recreation has to lead and motivate this critically important effort with cooperation with Nimbus Art and other creative and imaginative minds of our community.
Considering all of the possibilities that this new generation, and the magic of technology make available to imagine and create, NIMBUS ART is uniquely qualified to take the lead in the creative process.
We are requesting community input in all aspects of this forward looking, future generating endeavor.
Ferenc and Cheryl
St. Helena